The Visitors


By Jane Harrison

Themes: Colonialism & Conquest, Tradition, Council & Decision-making

Genre: Drama, a fictional account based on actual events

Key Scenes: pp.28-33 (7M); pp.39-58 (7M); pp.63 (1M)

Number of characters: 7 (7M)

Age recommendation: 12+

Country: Australia

Original language: English

The play centres around the pivotal historic moment when the First Fleet dropped anchor in Australia in 1788. It imagines a discussion between a group of Indigenous leaders trying to reach a consensus as to what to do about the approaching vessels on the horizon.

The seven clan leaders gather on a headland overlooking a stunning harbour for a crucial war council. A strange sight greets them -- ships of a type and largesse never seen before. Where are they from? Who and what do they carry? Should they be welcomed, or should they be wary? Each of the leaders has a distinct personality and a divergent position as to what to do about the visitors. 

Muruwari playwright Jane Harrison’s script is a witty imagining of what went before that fateful encounter. It premiered at Sydney Festival 2020, and was produced by Mooghalin Performing Arts.

The play text is due to be published soon.

The Visitors_Moogahlin_photo Jamie James-72 copy.jpg


Author: Jane Harrison

Original language: English

World Premiere (in the Engl. lang.): World Premiere (in the Engl. lang.): Moogahlin Performing Arts, Sydney Festival, 2020


GARY [WALLUMEDEGAL] – Northern Parramatta river mob. The ‘Bureaucrat/ numbers man’, he is the current Chair of the current meeting, having been elected in the previous meeting.

LAWRENCE [GWEAGAL] – Botany Bay mob, Fire clan. Youngest. ‘Almost initiated’, he is eager to learn from the elders and carries first-hand knowledge of the ‘visitors’ having visited their ship when they first landed 18 years ago.

GORDON [CADIGAL] - Sydney Cove – harbour dwelling clan. The ‘General’, he is the most adamant that the ‘visitors’ must be sent away.

ALBERT [WANGAL] – South shore clan - The ‘Engineer/Mr Logic’. He seeks evidence, fact and knowledge in assessing the situation to make a decision.

JACOB [CAMERAGAL] - Manly Cove – North shore clan. The ‘Joker’. The ‘Tradie’, a humorous presence, cannot stop talking about the troubles he is having with his new wife.

WALTER [BURRAMATTAGAL] – River mob - Eel place clan. The ‘Anthropologist/philosopher’, he is a deep thinker, well-spoken and sees both sides of the dilemma.

JOSEPH [KAMEYGAL] - Headlands of the Bay - Spear Clan, La Perouse area. The ‘Doctor/healer’, he is the eldest and is eventually swayed by Walter.

Production Images


Jane Harrison

Almiro Andrade
Educational Resource Writer

Natalie BeechUganda